Sunday, February 21, 2010

Why do we paint walls white?

LOL, I am just looking at the questions and answers and was thinking to my self it is Thursday afternoon and people must be Bord:)

Power to the people :)Why do we paint walls white?
1) White paint has no pigment so can be bought cheaply.

2) It leaves the place ';blank'; to go with any color decor.

3) PVA primer-- the primer used on drywall- is white, so painting over it in white means you probably only need one coat. Using colors often takes two.

4) It reflects light instead of absorbing it, ';brightening'; a house.Why do we paint walls white?
It's brighter (white reflects the most light), and doesn't clash with any other colors (e.g. furniture or decorations).
white, being timeless, is said to be all colors in one. of course, in our real worlds, we use white since it matches anything and brightens up the house. Oh, Yeah, also since WE HAVE NO IMAGINATIONS! AND ARE AFRAID OF NEW IDEAS!
it's a plain color that goes with is kidna the same to cept black would make your room look smaller.
Hmmm Good question...I think because it is a fresh look, white makes a room look clean..I have heard Interior Designers say that. White because, White goes with anything?

Thats just my thoughts.....
It makes a neutral canvas for people to paint the colors that they really want.
I don't know..Maybe it's cheaper to. Seriously when I own my own house I am painting the walls all kinds of different colors, but never white again!!
The same reason artists start with a white canvas.
because it looks clean
Because it is the easiest color to paint over we when decide what color we really want.
Because we're not bold. My mom says it's because it brightens the house...
Because we're renting :-(.
  • interest only loan
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