Sunday, February 21, 2010

What should I put on top of this chest? what color should i paint my walls?

okay so i have this chest and its kind of tall and i use it for storage and to put my tv on top of but now im getting rid of my tv so what should i put on top of it? I know i dont HAVE to put anything there but i hate to see all that space go to waste, especially since i have so much stuff!

also im going to have an oriental theme going on in my room and my bed spread is this:鈥?/a>

what color should i paint my room?

should i get a new bed spread?What should I put on top of this chest? what color should i paint my walls?
put a vase or your jewelery on the dresser sometimes its good without anything, maybe calming colors for your roomWhat should I put on top of this chest? what color should i paint my walls?

ok i have your problem put a radio or music player up there and put something down under it and out like cool pictures around it?

secondly put a really cool mirror with your favirot color of feathers on it and tilt back?

thirdly but like little shrinkets or something


well in dapends on your favirot color but if it was me i would i would paint a light green thick line about 5 inches all around the middle of the walls then paint the bottom have green with 3 inch stripes going diaganl

then on the top half paint it dark green like the bottom but put diffrent zizes of circles on it

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