Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hi, I have just bought chocolate brown suede couches. What color should I paint the walls?

My walls were previously painted an olive green (2 walls) and earthy brown (1 wall). I had beige couces and dark brown curtains at that time. I couldn't maintain the beige couches so got dark colored ones instead. I am having a hard time getting curtains to match the couches and the walls. Also, I have all dark wood color furniture (coffee, side tables etc). Everything looks too brown in the room except for the few plants here and there. Need some ideas for the color of the curtains and accent furniture. Also open to suggestions on changing the wall color.Hi, I have just bought chocolate brown suede couches. What color should I paint the walls?
try yellow ochre/cream/peach colours for the wall. Try orange or light red for the curtains....Hi, I have just bought chocolate brown suede couches. What color should I paint the walls?
try a light terra cotta color on the walls with maybe a deeper accent wall if you find it necessary,maybe some honey colored bamboo shaded is all you'll need to finish your windows and give the room a ';lighter'; feel. you can throw some funky orange based pillows in for fun start there and add accessories as you go along
off -white or cream would go great with your furniture with the same colour for the curtains...The cream colour will help tone the brown and help blend everyting together.
a deep red for the walls. And the curtains should be blue. Or vice-versa, but both colors would go great with choc brown. I think the other furniture should stay just as is.
Bright white walls, any color of bright curtains would look good considering he season. If B/W isn't in your comfort zone try a sand color for the walls and look through JC Penny catalogue...they have a variety of curtains....wal-mart and k-mart are good...No I'm not cheap I just switch things out very often and these place are reasonable
You didn't say what color your floors are. With dark furniture you want the walls and floors to be light/neutral so that your furniture stands out. A light mocha color on the wall will go well with any accent color you choose. Your curtains, pillows, accessories can be just about any color you like with chocolate brown, the hot trend right now is turquoise but lime, orange, pink, and mint green would also look awesome. If your floors are dark then add a light area rug to highlight your furniture, the rug can some of your accent colors in it.
you should play around with the Sherwin Williams color visualizer to find something you like. It is the best paint visualizer on the web, imho. I like how their color palette is laid out, I like that you can search by color family %26amp; color name, the ';painted'; rooms look the most realistic, and it suggests coordinating color schemes. You can literally spend hours:鈥?/a>

My advice would be to try a gold, like ';trinket'; (# 6685).
Yellow with red accents for drapes, etc, furniture black Asian influence type. I have that in my dining room and in my bedroom. It looks very ';West Elm'; and trendy. You'll love it. Sherwin Williams color ';Oolong.';
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