Sunday, February 21, 2010

What color to paint living room walls?

I have black leather furniture, sofa, love-seat, chair, glass coffee table and end tables. My curtains are also black. I'm thinking grey, but what shade? Looking for the manly bachelor pad style w/ class. My view is located on the river.What color to paint living room walls?
play around with the Sherwin Williams color visualizer to help you imagine how the colors will look together. It is the best paint visualizer on the web, imho. I like how their color palette is laid out, I like that you can search by color family %26amp; color name, the ';painted'; rooms look the most realistic, and it suggests coordinating color schemes. You can literally spend hours:

I think ';rhythmic blue'; (# 6806) might be a great choice.

You can take a photo of your house %26amp; upload it to the makeover gallery on this website:

You can get color suggestions %26amp; for $5 they'll photoshop them onto your room so that you can get an idea of what it will look like.What color to paint living room walls?
Grey would be too depressing and would be overbearing in a room with the furniture you described. I think a deep red wine colour or a sage green would be quite nice. You could also do a focal wall with one of those colours. Is there a wall that goes from your living room into your kitchen or dining room? That should be the focal wall - carry the colour through to the next room so there is continuity. If you use the sage green, you could do the focal wall in the green and then use a light greeny-yellow for the rest of the walls. Another example could be a warm grey-blue focal wall with a light, soft blue on the rest of the walls. If you do decide to do a focal wall, pick the colour that you like then ask the people at the paint store to help with the other colour. They are quite good (if you go to a real paint store and not just a hardware store)

Another great look is where you paint focal wall of blocks of neutral colours. It takes time to do but that would definitely be interesting to the eye and look really great in a room with minimal colour. Here is an example (and the way to do it). These colours suck but you get the idea!鈥?/a>

Here's another example of blocking鈥?/a>

It would add some pizazz! That way too, you could get some of your grey in there - but it wouldn't be overbearing with the other colours to mute it.

With black furniture and glass tables and black curtains I really don't think you want to use grey its just a toned down version of black. I would go for a deep color that will pop behind a darker color pallet. Maybe a red or if you like the darker colors a chocolate brown with a black backdrop is always a classic.
grey would make it dull, go for light chocolate brown or light yellow which would look more brighter and lively.
i also like the idea of chocolate brown.

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