Sunday, February 21, 2010

What color to paint guest bedroom walls?

I have already asked a similar question and got a great suggestion but didn't end up going with it. I am painting the hardwood floors in my one guest bedroom black (it would be too much work to try to refinish them etc. they are that bad...just imagine, the house was build in 1930 and not well taken care of). My color scheme in that room will be Black %26amp; White with some Red decor as well. Would it look okay to paint the walls Grey? Or will that be too gloomy looking even if I dress it up using decor? I thought it would actually go good being that it's a shade of black but need another opinion. I don't want to spend too much on paint. I have already bought a gallon of Grey paint in the Oops section of Lowe's for $5.00 so would love to use it but if not, I'll find something to do with it. THANK YOU!!What color to paint guest bedroom walls?
play around with the Sherwin Williams color visualizer to find colors that you like. It is the best paint visualizer on the web, imho. I like how their color palette is laid out, I like that you can search by color family %26amp; color name, the ';painted'; rooms look the most realistic, and it suggests coordinating color schemes. You can literally spend hours:

I think a pale purple like ';inspired lilac'; (# 6820) might be a great choice.

You can take a photo of your house %26amp; upload it to the makeover gallery on this website:

You can get color suggestions %26amp; for $5 they'll photoshop them onto your room so that you can get an idea of what it will look like.What color to paint guest bedroom walls?
Hopefully the grey paint is a very light shade of grey so the room isn't looking too gothic and dark. It's a bit strange to paint your hardwood floors black, why not just get an area rug or inexpensive carpet? When you have guests, you want them to feel welcomed not like they're being punished and sent to the dungeon! Just my opinions!
always paint a plain wall in lavender and the other 3 walls in ivory. the look is fantastic and works with any furniture.
Paint it with the oops paint.If you don't like then just shut the door when nobody is sleeping in there
go for it , if it's lite gray and hang white curtains. If the room has know windows go faux.
I would go for dark brown floors over black, but that's my preference. If the gray color is light, then it may work out nicely. If it is dark, maybe just paint one wall with the dark color, then get a lighter color for the others. I have been wanting to change some of my own color and found some helpful web sites.鈥?br>

This is one where you can actually ';try on'; colors. Very cool.鈥?/a>

Many other out there, but hope these help.

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