Sunday, February 21, 2010

I have an all white kitchen with white cabinets what colors should I paint the walls.?

Select a color that will compliment the counter tops and or floor.

We had the same issue and selected a shade in the beige line from the floor tiles and counter top. It turned out extremely nice. Our woodwork is also all white so we hve a great contrast between the floor and walls with the white wood trim.I have an all white kitchen with white cabinets what colors should I paint the walls.?
black or redI have an all white kitchen with white cabinets what colors should I paint the walls.?
you know , when i moved here in my house i had the same problem, I painted just the cabinet doors in blue . got some wallpaper in the look of wallpaneling ( Lowes) and put a US Flag border on the edge under ceilling and wall . Looks smashing ! People liked it weh they came to look
A light grey would look nice
Color %26amp; pattern of your floor? That'll help you narrow down your choices %26amp; whether you want a modern, bold look or a more old-fashioned, neutral or pastel look....

Also, stand in various spots %26amp; look around with 'stranger's' eyes' ..... Check adjoining walls %26amp; at walls in other rooms that can be easily seen from various vantage points in your kitchen %26amp; pick something complementary or contrasting, depending upon your tastes!
When we moved into our house we had white cabinets in the kitchen with a nasty peachy color on the walls and ceiling. After some consideration I decide to paint my kitchen walls a color called Cracker Bitz it's a nice warm color and I found it at Lowe's. The ceiling I painted white and I made curtains in a fabric that had a similar color as the walls in the background but also had reds, blues and greens. I then carried those colors as my accents throughout my kitchen. For example potted herbs, and artwork. My stainless appliances even look good with it.
Sand or a Creme Brulee' works well with white cabinets and high gloss white trim.
A soft to medium cream color would look great
Canary yellow or a dark blue
I would go for the Mexican theme. I lot of yellow, orange and blue would look great in that room. It would really set off the cabinets and these color and accessories are readily available.
A pretty light color. Not white though, that would be overdoing it.
Well you have a blank canvas to work with, so I would choose my favorite colors. What is pretty in a kitchen would be a peach, soft celadon green, beige/gold color, maybe using white enamel on the woodwork for contrast. Those colors are easy to live with on an every day basis. Bring home paint chips from a good paint store, such as Benjamin Moore paints, see what you like, and paint the room in a semi gloss for washability. It will look fabulous I assure you. Then buy accessories to go with what color you have chosen. Also for your window, a lovely valance by Waverly. Look up Good Luck
match your appliances. my mixer is red, as well as my coffee maker, etc.
Depends on your style...Modern you can do a bright crisp color like bright red, or bright green.

Country you can do a warm yellow, or soft blue.

If you are more traditional you can do a khaki or a deep red or blue.

I hope this helps.
Unless you are into a very bold looking room, I would go for something slightly on the subtle side - very light tangerine, green, or yellow fit in with the ';kitchen'; environment the best.

It all depends on your tastes though, and remember - nothing is permanent :) Good luck !
pale green- goes well in kitchens with white or off-whites.
i suppose Ur ceiling is white as well. u can however, make Ur walls light blue, light green or pink not forgetting Ur sex and co lours that really go with the sexes. ultimately,choose from co lours that makes you feel good and cool
I think mint green and pastel purple is beautiful together. They play well off of each other and I think it brings color into the plain white cabinets.

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