Sunday, February 21, 2010

HELP! I sponge painted my walls the color of a green apple (semi gloss latex)....?

The base coat is off-white. What color glaze can I use to TONE this down? My kitchen cabinets are dark wood, and my kitchen decor is red and green apples. Was thinking of integrating a brown/taupe/gold glaze. Any suggestions?HELP! I sponge painted my walls the color of a green apple (semi gloss latex)....?
Use a burnt umber or burnt sienna. The first is in the brown family and the second in the gold family. The burnt umber will definitely tone down the apple green and almost antique it. The burnt sienna will too, but in a more subtle manner. You can mix the glaze yourself for more control or even use both colors and do 2 different glazes over the top for a different effect. The recipe for glaze is 1 part latex or acrylic paint, 1 part water and 1 part Floetrol that you find on the paint aisle at the home improvement store. The floetrol gives you more manipulation time and the more you add the more sheer the paint becomes, so you can play with it. Before you put it on the wall, however, I suggest you get a spare piece of drywall or matte board, paint it with your basecolor and play with the top coat glazes to get the effect you want before you go to the wall.HELP! I sponge painted my walls the color of a green apple (semi gloss latex)....?
I would use the same green paint and add the same color as the wall or close to it, mix it 1/2 /and 1/2 and sponge the new color on the wall. I would still let the other green show here and there. but would add to it with the new green as the overall color. good luck

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